Monitoring SDG 4 – Ready-Made Training Presentations

For the purpose of improving the statistical monitoring of the Education 2030 Agenda, UNESCO and UNICEF published the Regional Capacity Development Resource Book on Monitoring SDG 4-Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific. The Resource Book serves as common knowledge resource for the most critical aspects of monitoring SDG 4: measuring equity which necessitates disaggregated data by various characteristics, such as age, sex, location, wealth, disabilities, ethnicity etc.

The increase in detailed data requires the building of capacities and effective coordination between the national statistical authorities and the ministries responsible for education. In turn, building capacities for data generation and production coordination requires understanding the SDG 4 indicators framework and identifying the roles of different parties in generating the data and planning, managing and monitoring of the education sector.

UNESCO and UNICEF developed a supplementary Trainer's Guide for the Regional Capacity Development on Monitoring of SDG 4-Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific, which is meant to further facilitate training on monitoring SDG 4 for policy-makers, education planners, administrative and operational personnel but also other civil society stakeholders of education. The Trainer’s Guide outlines a structured approach to designing and delivering trainings on relevant topics of concern.

Part of the Trainer’s Guide are the ready-made presentation files. These presentations can be utilised to structure a training. They serve as templates and can be expanded upon or tailored to an audience’s needs.

The presentation files have been packaged as ZIP files by Module, corresponding to the Resource Book and Trainer’s Guide. For guidance on using the presentations, please consult the Trainer’s Guide.