1st Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 | Recommendations

Submitted by j.barallas on Fri, 07/02/2021 - 08:18

The Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED 2030) serves as the regional consultation platform for the exchange of knowledge, best practices and support to countries in all aspects of the implementation and monitoring of SDG4-Education 2030.

Recommendations for action

Immediate actions by Member States

1. Establish or strengthen a national coordination mechanism for SDG 4—linking to the overall SDG coordination mechanism—with a high-level national body supported by technical committees; broaden its membership to include diverse sectors and civil society; and identify an appropriate SDG 4 coordination focal point.

2. Map existing policies and programmes that contribute to SDG 4 targets in preparation for national consultations.

3. Organize national and sub-national consultations to analyse the Education 2030 targets and Framework for Action in light of existing plans, policies and programmes to identify gaps and opportunities and to plan actions to implement and monitor SDG 4.

4. Build or strengthen inter-governmental cooperation to foster synergies and mutual learning for SDG 4.

Immediate actions by development partners and civil society organizations

1. Review and redefine the composition and terms of reference of the regional/subregional coordination mechanisms and develop a roadmap and a strategic plan in consultation with relevant stakeholders in order to provide effective support to national efforts toward SDG 4 (TWG-EFA).

2. Prepare advocacy/communication materials that provide key messages on SDG 4 in consultation with Member States, (TWG-EFA).

3. Prepare guidelines on the processes and milestones for planning, implementing and monitoring SDG 4 based on capacity assessments, and support the alignment of national plans with SDG 4 targets (TWGEFA and lead DP at national level).

4. Map available data and data sources for SDG 4 indicators, including administrative data, household surveys, learning assessments and data collected by civil society, as well as capacity needs in data management, reporting and use (UIS).

5. In consultation with Member States and regional partners, develop and disseminate technical guidelines for monitoring SDG 4, including definitions of the indicators, data sources, and methods of data collection and analysis (UIS).