Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Thematic Working Group on Digital Transformation in Learning and Education

Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Thematic Working Group on Digital Transformation in Learning and Education


As a WG under the Asia-Pacific Network Group on 'Learning+Education2030+', the purpose of the group is to co-develop a coherent and cohesive vision and roadmap around key areas of the Digital Transformation in Education agenda in Asia and the Pacific, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Identifying the key common outcomes sought by Member organizations, such as quality digital learning opportunities for all children and youth; school connectivity; digital literacy for all children and youth; online safety; capacity building of Ministry and private sector staff on digital transformation, with teacher trainers and teachers trained on the effective use of ICT for teaching and learning; and inclusive national strategies on technology for learning.
  2. Completing a system-level mapping of the key elements which influence these outcomes, across and within different areas such as research and evidence, strategy, partnerships, policies and plans, innovations, costing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The mapping would distinguish between universal elements vis-à-vis more context and country specific elements, elaborating where necessary.
  3. With reference to this mapping, identifying the key areas of work each Member organization is engaged in, as well as their key priorities, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration.
  4. With respect to the identified priorities and opportunities for collaboration, using meetings to exchange and discuss relevant information, evidence, research, news, tools and guidance; as well as jointly identify strategies to achieve and implement key common outcomes, mobilize and support mutual collaboration and partnerships, and coordinate the planning and delivery of agreed, time-bound joint activities and events.
  5. Link with and provide inputs to other RCP groups and IBCs (Issue Based Coalitions), as relevant and where there is complementarity, and contribute to the Learning and Education2030+ Networking Group.

The group is co-chaired by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific and UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA)

Current members (listed alphabetically):